Employment 911
This site automatically searches over 100 employment search websites, including the largest ones. It includes over 3 million jobs. Point to the "Job Seekers" menu on the top of the page and select "Search Jobs" to locate job openings in the occupation and geographical area of your choice. Then select the "Click here to Search for Jobs" link.
This website can save you lots of time if you simply want to do a comprehensive internet search from a single point. However, it also includes links to other well known job sites. You'll need to pay close attention when using this site since it offers many different services.
Federal Government Jobs
This site contains job openings in the federal government. Search by clicking "Job Seekers" on the left sidebar and selecting "USA JOBS".
State Government Jobs
This site is a portal to state government job listings. Scroll down and click on the state of your choice to go to that state's job board.
City Government Jobs
This site is a portal to a short list of city government job boards. Scroll down and click on the city of your choice.
Resumes, Cover Letters, and Interviews
These sites will provide everything needed to give you an edge when applying and interviewing for a job.
Resume Optimizing
This site will determine how closely your resume matches the job that you want. It uses electronic resume screening similar to what some employers use. After inputting your resume and the job description you get instant feedback that you can use to make resume modifications and potentially avoid being screened out.
Developing and Distributing an Electronic Portfolio
This site provides free resources to build online information about your qualifications and have this information viewed by employers.
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