Thank you for visiting the HSO Career Resource Center!
What are your career assistance needs?
Match my interests and skills to a better job or career.
Explore information about jobs, careers, and salaries.
Find job openings, apply for, and get a job or find a better paying job.
Find job openings targeted toward persons with disabilities or impairments.
Find part time and full time jobs that can be done at home.
Find Gig work and non-traditional jobs
Find volunteer work that matches your interests and skills.
Find government benefits that help persons with disabilities
Review job and career resources that focus on veterans and military to civilian transitions
Explore colleges, trade schools, training, and certification programs
Learn why I can’t make a career decision and what to do about it
The links above will lead you to what we judge to be the best free websites for job, career and educational assistance.
We continuously update and carefully filter the links, however, some have pop up ads which can be distracting or lead you away from what you were looking for. Be on the lookout for those and try to stay with the linked website to get the information you need!